Today, our Pastor, Pastor Micahn instructed us to:
Write it down
Tie it on your wrist
Put it on your forehead.
This is what I do, when I blog. I'm writing this all down, to imprint it on my heart so I will NEVER forget what God has revealed to me.
There is a running joke in our home. When we talk about each other's gifts, it goes something like this, and it's funny, it's not hurtful, it's just funny.
Jason's gifts - smartypants (as in he's so smart, Logan and I can't understand his talk sometimes), everyone likes him, jokester, techey-geek (and we mean that lovingly because we are jealous we don't have that gene), and he can fix anything!! HANDSOME.....ok, maybe that's not a "gift" per se, but he's nice to look at and that's the truth. He has a lot of gifts but those are just a few.
Logan's gifts - she's smart too, and she can read really fast, dry and funny sense of humor, beautiful smile, sweetheart, very caring and so very pretty. She has a lot of gifts but those are just a few.
Mom's gifts - she's got love and hugs, that's it! She gives really good hugs and loves everyone.
That's it. I got nothing more than that. (I know it's not true but we just tease about it often)
The first time I went into our county jail, I didn't cry and in fact, I held myself together really well - until we left the jail, then I broke down. And it's an ok thing to be sad for them but we pray for and with them, and God can heal me overnight, no problem. And he did. This ministry is such a blessing to so many people. I'm in awe that God allows me to be a part of this. . . I really am. I spoke to one of my Leaders about my sadness and she said something that helped me, "Delinda, you need to remember being in jail may have been God's way of saving them." So, now I think of that and it really helps me. She was correct and I just have to remember His way is the BEST WAY!
So Saturday night I got to go into our county jail again and speak to the women. We all sit in a U-shape, and each time we go, we don't usually see all the same's random women but sometimes we will see someone who we have seen before but it's rare. So we had 10 women, plus me and Stace (friend from Together Church). We watch one of Pastor Micahn's sermons. Stace and I sat next to each other. We got almost all the way through the video and I was looking around the room at the women and I didn't think I saw much on their faces, I was thinking, "God are they connecting? Do they even really care we are here, God?" And then I turned my thoughts around to praising him and I just kept thanking him over and over saying, "God, thank you so much for this opportunity. I get to tell all these women about you and your love and I'm so thankful. God, thank you, thank you, thank you."
Then, I lost it and I was so thankful Stace was sitting next to me because she put her arm around me after she saw me crying, and said, "OOOhhhh Delinda, it will be ok."
You see, I thought I loved people. I mean I really thought I loved people, 100% unconditional. Until this night. . .
I felt a physical wave come over me and heard, "Well, you think you love people - this is how much I love these women" and it was as-if God touched my heart with how much He loves these women and He gave me a glimpse of how He feels about them. I felt a wave come over me, I heard those words and then a HUGE rush of emotion. I looked across the room at these women, a few of them came in with a "hard face" and after the video their faces changed. 6 of the 10 women raised their hands to "Get Jesus" that night. I couldn't believe 6 of them raised their hand. I composed myself, and Stace and I each took 5 of the 10 women into a small group alone. She led one group and I led the other.
Normally, we sit with these women and talk about the video, or ask if they have any prayers they want. This night, with the wave of emotion that came over me, I just couldn't hold back and I was VERY bold. . . I looked at my group and each face looked so very young and beautiful. Their skin, and eyes looked so pretty and their faces looked so very sad and they were all looking down at the floor. I got in the group and I said, "Everyone look at me, look at my face." They all looked up at me and I lost it yet AGAIN.....ugh, "Delinda, pull yourself together and get across to them what you are trying to say!"
I said, "I'm sorry Ladies, I'm just very emotional tonight and so thankful to God that He allows me to come in here and talk with each one of you." I gave myself a few minutes, and just paused. Then I looked up at them and said, "I want to tell you each something very important. I don't want any of you to believe one more lie from Satan. You mean the world to God. You are so very important, you are so very beautiful and you are His beloved daughters. Once you have given your life to Him, he does not keep record of your wrongs. You are washed clean. Your crime no longer matters to Him, in regards to His love for you. He loves you so very much and I want every one of you to know just how much. I don't want you to ever feel how I felt. I want you to believe this, it says in the bible everything I'm telling you. If you don't have a bible, I suggest you get yourself one and start arming yourself with His truth - straight from God Himself."
And I looked at their faces, each one individually, and I felt like they were each my own daughter. Love. Pure love is the only thing I felt for them. I wasn't afraid, not one bit. We all shared our stories and for a brief moment, we were all sisters. His daughters, sitting in His sweet embrace. There wasn't any record of wrongs, there wasn't any judgement - just pure and simple love.
That was the Holy Spirit moving, right before my eyes. I'm not bold like that. That was all Him, He gets all the Glory and I'm just thankful He gave me the opportunity to witness these events.
Stace and I have been friends since junior high. To get to do this night with her, in the county jail was nothing short of amazing. I texted the same Leader in our church who spoke with me about my sadness for these women and I said, "Another amazing night in jail," and then I said to my husband, "Who would have thought "amazing night in jail" would ever be in a sentence together?" SO MUCH TRUTH to that, and this is how we all know it's ALL God. When something is this amazing, there is no other answer for it but Him! God physically showed me my purpose on this night and I will never be the same again and for that, I'm so very thankful.
The Faith Unit is a ministry at Together Church. We meet Thursday nights and we pray over the cards from the jail, and we write letters to them. They give us prayer requests, tell us they "got Jesus" or are "getting wet (meaning baptized)" or they would like to "connect" once they are out of jail, with a church family in the area they live, that they could do life with. Not too long ago, I was doing a devotional at church for the Faith Unit. The devotional was on "Who are we reaching" and I found this verse in the bible, and I was so happy God showed me this.
Matthew 28: 19-20
"Jesus undeterred went right ahead and gave His charge; "God authorized and commanded me to commission you to go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name; Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I'll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of age."
So what this means to me is this:
God instructed Jesus, to commission us, which means to "entrust us"to go out into the world and tell everyone about Him and teach them how to live for and with Him. And He will be with us, the entire time!! So if you believe in the bible and you believe God - then you have to do this! What are you waiting for? He ENTRUSTS YOU AND ME! Are you listening to the nudge of the Holy Spirit?
You aren't that good but He is and He can do all things! In my own life, friends and family, I've seen Him change them right before my eyes. I won't get into their stories because I want them to get the opportunity to share their story, not me. I'm just here to tell you, He is working in and through people and He can and will do the same in you - if you allow Him to.
Here is my personal invite to you, to come to Together Church and check it out. You have several opportunities, depending on where you live. Get a hold of me and we can sit together. And who knows, maybe one day you'll get to go into the County Jail too and speak with these women about His love. . . and you'll see the Holy Spirit working too!