Saturday, April 26, 2014


My hometown is Yakima, WA.  There is a great church there called Morningstar Church.
(I secretly pray to God to lead us back to Yakima, somehow, someway - just so we can be a part of what they are doing. These people will love you just like Christ does!)

Just this morning, I was listening to one of their sermons titled "What do you see" and it 's subtitle is "How do you see problems".  Michahn said "what the enemy was trying to use to destroy you, God is gonna use the very same thing to heal you." In my life, He is doing just that. He is healing me and giving me the strength to talk about it to possibly help others.

There were many people and certain events which helped lead us to the Lord and Morningstar Church was definitely an integral part.  My little sister attends the church and was telling us such great things about it. We were in town visiting her family one weekend and she asked us to go one Saturday night.  We went.  We liked what the Pastor had to say. He is a great speaker and so in love with Christ and it’s so obvious. He and his wife are real people; they have had real problems as everyone does. He tells people about their struggles and how far they have come with Christ.

So we left church and were amazed at how real he was and how easily he spoke about his struggles. He wasn't embarrassed by them. It was real and I thought to myself, "If God loves Micahn, then He loves us too - no matter what we have done." We were not proud of ourselves, that’s for sure and I also thought,, "I could never tell people what I have done like Micahn did. I am so ashamed." I was still at the point of believing what the adversary was telling me about myself.

My husband and I both downloaded the app and started to listen to their sermons. I highly recommend doing this.  I listened to them at work, on my way home and as much as I could. When one sermon would end, I would anxiously await the next.  There is so much hope in his messages and that is what I was searching for.
Christ kept talking through the sermons and I heard what He was saying. We both heard the messages but we weren't quite to the point of letting the hurts and shame go - we kept holding on. Why? Well because it was familiar and really, "How could anyone love us when we've done what we have?" We didn't love ourselves, how could anyone else?

When I look back now over my life I realize He has been showing me and telling me so many things and I just didn't realize it. A lot of it came from conversations with my sister late at night. Her and her family loved us through it all. They loved us exactly how Jesus does - unconditionally. 

Left to right:
Me, age 4, Dad 31, My sister Newborn

He spoke through so many sermons and I even heard His voice in music. I still hear Him - He isn't leaving me. I'm keeping Him as close as possible.
I heard this song the other day on my way to work. It's so true and I love when He speaks to me.

Marvelous Light = Ellie Holcomb, lyrics

I'm not who I once was
Defined by all the things I've done
Afraid my shame would be exposed
Afraid of really being known
But then you gave my heart a home
So I walked out of the darkness and into the light
From fear of shame into a hope of life
Mercy called my name and right away to fly
Out of the darkness and into the light

Are you listening to Him or are you listening to what you believe the world thinks of you?

Listen to Him, it is the only way to go. He will set you free!!